Dual booting, dynamic DNS and DHCP

A little while after setting up DNS and a DHCP server for my local network, I noticed dhcpd error messages as shown below:

crimson dhcpd: Can't update forward map opal.hydrus.org.uk to
  no such RRset
crimson dhcpd: if opal.hydrus.org.uk IN TXT "0018afbf6c32d85b1f1ccbef262e16ef4c"
  rrset exists and opal.hydrus.org.uk IN A rrset exists 
  delete opal.hydrus.org.uk IN A no such RRset.

The consequence of this was that an incorrect IP address existed for opal in the DNS.

The messages only occurred for machines that dual-booted with Windows (opal runs Windows XP as well as FreeBSD). I investigated the /var/db/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases file, which is where dhcpd keeps the IPs it has assigned to DHCP clients. Here's the lease for a Windows client:

lease {
  starts 0 2006/04/02 15:35:16;
  ends 0 2006/04/02 17:35:16;
  binding state active;
  next binding state free;
  hardware ethernet 00:09:5b:54:1f:bb;
  uid "\001\000\011[T\037\273";
  set ddns-rev-name = "";
  set ddns-txt = "31caf5f7d17b445e52b920285dcf4457d3";
  set ddns-fwd-name = "maroon.hydrus.org.uk";
  client-hostname "maroon";

And here's the lease for a non-Windows client:

lease {
  starts 0 2006/04/02 16:08:00;
  ends 0 2006/04/02 18:08:00;
  binding state active;
  next binding state free;
  hardware ethernet 00:40:f4:1a:22:bd;
  set ddns-rev-name = "";
  set ddns-txt = "31975f395f58847f2aa8f28c2969a05511";
  set ddns-fwd-name = "gold.hydrus.org.uk";
  client-hostname "gold";

A quick glance will show that Windows leases have a uid element, whereas non-Windows leases do not. The uid is the ethernet address of the client, preceeded by a "1" (for ethernet). I surmised that both the hardware ethernet address and the uid (if present) were used to identify a client machine in the Resource Record set (RRset) in DNS. So, I had to make the non-Windows clients emulate the Windows behaviour and all should be well.

This is very simple to achieve: add the line:

  send dhcp-client-identifier 1:00:40:f4:1a:22:bd;

to the /etc/dhclient.conf file. Now that both operating systems are sending the same information to the DHCP server, the dhcpd error messages stopped.